Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anal Sex

May I speak of anal sex?
For it’s a topic quite complex

There are those who’ve yet to try it
And those who have, but yet deny it

For some, it’s simply too taboo
The anus stays reserved for pooh

While others, it appears, were born
To re-enact a scene from porn

And some whose sphincters stand as sentry
Lest a penis make its entry

For on its exit there’s the fear
That bits of sweet corn may appear

But some relax and gladly loosen
And let their anal passage juicen

Allowing penile penetration
And relishing risqué sensation

For them, their arse holds buried treasure
And untold depths of plundered pleasure

But mine is not the place to judge
If your knickers hold a tell-tale smudge

Whether you do, or whether you don’t
I don’t care if you will or won’t

So analyse this by component
I’m neither contra nor proponent

And if my poem caused you shock
Stay missionary when taking cock

But if my poem made you titter
Perhaps you take it up the shitter!


  1. to quote a line out of your poem 'it made me titter' ;)

  2. If you wanna get damned, dear,
    keep it up.

    Google: 'Fr John Corapi pt 3 Hell'

    Yes, earthlings, a Hell exists.
    Im an NDE.
    God bless your indelible soul.

    ...whether you as a sinfull mortal
    wanna believe in Hell or not,
    dont make a whole lotta difference:
    YOU - SHALL - CROAK, earthling;
    1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.

    Jesus believes in Hell...
    He doesnt send U.S. though.
    WE DO.
    And I aint going to that
    dagnasty Hellwhole for eternity.

    Make Your Choice -SAW

    1. Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

      'The more you shall honor Me,
      the more I shall bless you'
      -the Infant Jesus of Prague
      (<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

      Love him or leave him...
      better lissen to the Don:
      if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
      which most whorizontalites do,
      you cannot deny Hellfire
      which YOU send YOURSELF to.

      Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
      the sights were beyond extreme.
      Choose Jesus.
      You'll be most happy you did.
      God bless your indelible soul.
